Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Countdown Begins!

So, today was my 39 birthday.  I celebrated by seeing the eye doctor and a plastic surgeon.  The eye doctor was just for my regular checkup and the appointment with the plastic surgeon was my second consultation.  For what you ask, dear readers?  Well, under discussion was a boob job and a mini tummy tuck.  Looking at the pictures he took at the first appointment was depressing.  I seriously did not think I looked that bad from behind!  Ick!  The only good thing about the appointment was the doctor said that I didn't really have enough loose skin to do a good tuck.  But he also decided that liposuction would exacerbate the issue I have with my stretch marks.  That is to say, the area around my belly button looks like a partially deflated balloon!  Lord, I do love my children but they wrecked my body!  So the moral dilemma that I am having is do I really need to spend $10k on a boob job?  It seems vain and wasteful.  I wonder 'Will I look like a caricature of myself when it is done?'  My husband seems fine with what I have but also supports the idea of the surgery-if it is what I want.
I ended up booking it for December 7.  I have to pay by November 9.  It will mean about 5 days off of work which isn't a big deal but I sure am not going to tell anyone about what I am up to!  The fact that I booked it means I only have a few days to decide or else it will cost me some money to back out.  Ahhh!
I am kind of glad the doctor vetoed the tummy tuck.  It felt like I was cheating.  If I really get down to business I can lose the weight myself!  I have many magazines where there are stories of 40-somethings that have achieved far larger transformation than I would like to achieve so I know it's possible!
And that is what this blog is about!  I have set a goal to be in the best shape of my life in 365 days from now!  So I hope you will join me on this journey and maybe cheer me on and maybe I can help you along your journey!
Oh yah-at least the eye doctor said I have perfect vision!

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